Monday, February 25, 2013

Book 1: The Bible

You always have to set the foundation with God.

No matter how many books you read
No matter how intelligent you are
there is only one book
that is able
to read

This book gives us the beginning
and it gives us the end
We need to study those first,
to let our true selves begin.

Take a moment of time
to open it up
and let the book
do the reading for once.

This Blog is...

dedicated to all those amazing splatters of ink on pieces of processed trees. From the Bible, to Young Adult, to whatever else I have time to read, I will post up as much as I can.

We're all busy. I've read my fair share of books. The WORST feeling is the one you get after spending all those long hours reading a book and finding out it's not that great. I hope that this blog will help you save some time, money, and emotional investment.